Hormones in Harmony

Living abundant joy through bio-psycho-spiritual balancing

Location: Ojai, California, United States

Welcome to Hormones in Harmony where I shall share pearls of wisdom gathered over two decades of consulting with the hormonally challenged. As a holistic nurse practitioner specializing in neuro-immune-endocrinology, I have merged my western education with eastern philosophies, but the key to being a successful healer is to embody physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. At 54, married for 32 years with two grown children, I strive to keep my Hormones in Harmony with a positive attitude, a loving environment, and faithful consumption of Genesis Gold.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thank goodness, the full moon has finally released the congested energies of January. I hope you are all well recovered after the holidays. Many of my patients had a rough time this season enduring much loss. Even my new year began with three deaths in a week. Even healers must take time to heal themselves,so I took more of special formula but grief weakens the immune system making me vulnerable to a pediatric patient’s virulent bug. Sick, tired, and sad, premenstrual tension rose her petulant head. Since childhood I have found writing to be therapeutic, so I share with you, my sisters, my humble attempt to deal with feelings through verse...


I cannot take his silence
Or the edge in my voice
The pain in my back
The void in my heart

I cannot bear waiting
One more moment for relief
Promises still unfulfilled
Wispy patience worn thin

I cannot endure his worry
Or my erratic frustration
The steely set of his jaw
Or the tide of unshed tears

I cannot help but want to cry
That’s not me I see in your eyes
It’s a monster of my truth
I'm lost behind the fear

May you enjoy an abundance of health, wealth and happiness!