Much has happened since the beginning of this year. Business is booming. Began and ended a new adventure. The kids are on their own, almost. Steve and I are closer than ever. Mom has found an old love. The kitchen is being remodeled. All change.
I am undergoing a transformation. I am entering the change…and it is truly changing my life. My relationship with my sisters is improved. And although I rarely write, rarely blog, rarely market, all the old seeds are coming to fruit.
Dreams are lucid, exploring my inner psyche. I am being initiated into the grandmother’s council and I love it.
I type this on a new computer. The old died, like so much passing in my life…Sara, Aunt Patty, Karen …death leads to birth. The winds of change clear the way for the new.
Most profound of all is my ability to instantly manifest. What I think becomes. I f I desire something greatly enough, it manifests. I have had little need to confront my worries as they absolve before me. I am in the state of realization. Becoming the Magdalen, the way to the divine.
The polarity of good and evil does not exist in my world. All is of joy. All is of love. All is well. Lessons cloaked in distasteful garb are often the most profound. Rarely is it difficult now. I move into my sagehood with ease.
Estes relates stories as a means to understand the psyche. I see great connection with LoveDance and her rendition of the archetypal stories. I naturally wrote into the story the maiden, the childself, the queen the king-bride groom, the mage and the gardener. Perhaps this is why the book touches so many on such a deep level. Through story souls heal.
Time to ride, to connect to the earth through Shane. She carries me into the dreamworld.
I am so very well, so very blessed. Gratitude has become a way of life. Love is my essence. The world is opening to receive me and I am prepared to bare all to be Joy.
I am undergoing a transformation. I am entering the change…and it is truly changing my life. My relationship with my sisters is improved. And although I rarely write, rarely blog, rarely market, all the old seeds are coming to fruit.
Dreams are lucid, exploring my inner psyche. I am being initiated into the grandmother’s council and I love it.
I type this on a new computer. The old died, like so much passing in my life…Sara, Aunt Patty, Karen …death leads to birth. The winds of change clear the way for the new.
Most profound of all is my ability to instantly manifest. What I think becomes. I f I desire something greatly enough, it manifests. I have had little need to confront my worries as they absolve before me. I am in the state of realization. Becoming the Magdalen, the way to the divine.
The polarity of good and evil does not exist in my world. All is of joy. All is of love. All is well. Lessons cloaked in distasteful garb are often the most profound. Rarely is it difficult now. I move into my sagehood with ease.
Estes relates stories as a means to understand the psyche. I see great connection with LoveDance and her rendition of the archetypal stories. I naturally wrote into the story the maiden, the childself, the queen the king-bride groom, the mage and the gardener. Perhaps this is why the book touches so many on such a deep level. Through story souls heal.
Time to ride, to connect to the earth through Shane. She carries me into the dreamworld.
I am so very well, so very blessed. Gratitude has become a way of life. Love is my essence. The world is opening to receive me and I am prepared to bare all to be Joy.
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